Shiva Rea

New site for A whole new online class course

From sEO Mess to Top ranked site

Shiva Rea is one of the most renowned yoga teacher across the world. I had been working with some clients who needed help integrating’s booking widget onto their site. Shiva is one of Union’s clients, but needed a whole lot more than adding a widget.

When we first started working, Shiva actually had multiple websites, for multiple arms of her business (her teacher training, online courses, etc). She also sold her content through other streaming services. But if you did an online search for “Shiva Rea” her own sites ranked fairly low.

Developing a whole new site for a new online membership was in order. Using Squarespace 7.1 I designed, from scratch a new site to highlight her vibrant personality and make it easy for client to register for class.

Since launching, her team has added a lot more content to the site and with the SEO optimization I added, it is now ranking in the top 3 in Google search.

Class Booking Widget

Any wellness provider using third party booking software (Mindbody, Wellness Living, Union, etc) can integrate their booking widget directly onto their Squarespace site. In order to have this sort of customization, you must subscribe to the Business subscription of Squarespace.

We embedded code from Shiva’s booking provider, so clients could easily book into one of her online yoga classes.


Absolute Remodeling


Andrew Tanner Yoga