Adaptive + accessible yoga and meditation.

“Don’t try to calm the storm. Calm Yourself. The storm will pass.”


Join Lauren on the mat. Check out her weekly classes.

Lauren primarily teaches on behalf of Warrior Within Yoga Project but occasionally can be found subbing in the Framingham and Metrowest area. Check out “events” for other public classes.


One on One focus

If you have a specific wellness goal, are seeking personalized attention in navigating around an injury or limitation, or want to work individually outside of a group class, private yoga sessions can be beneficial.

These sessions are offered in-home for those in the Framingham/Metrowest area or virtually.

Public Rates:
1 Hour Session: $75

Veterans, service members and first responders should contact to ask about reduced or sponsored private yoga sessions for those who serve.

Reach out to request an appointment.


About Lauren

Known for her steady and grounded presence, Lauren skillfully teaches yoga classes that are engaging, yet accessible + adaptable.

Her teaching incorporates evidence-based techniques and trauma-informed protocols to foster resiliency and post traumatic-growth.

Lauren is the founder and Executive Director of Massachusetts not for profit, Warrior Within Yoga Project. She is fully dedicated to bringing the practice of yoga, meditation and mindfulness into the lives of Veterans, service members and first responders in the Metrowest/Boston community.

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 Follow on Instagram @lturneryoga